Super Toy: a statistical issue
Some Indonesian people were surprised by the appearance of Super Toy case. It is the name of rice variety that is claimed could yield 15 ton per hectare. What a fantastic amount! The name was called after its inventor Toyong (his original name is Supriyadi). President of Republic of Indonesia, his expert staffs as well as ministry and governor were convinced that this new variety is the answer for our food crisis. Thanks God.
Farmers in several districts agreed to plant this variety replacing their custom one. Unfortunately, the harvest yields were not as high as stated by the inventor. Even, in some districts (eg. Yogyakarta, Klaten, Purworejo, Madiun) the yields is extremely bad. No farmer got the expected amount. What was going on? How come the results are so much different from the inventor’s claim?
I just want to say that probably the inventor (Toyong and team) did not apply an appropriate statistical experimental design. By doing good experimental design with scientific method, what was done by inventor should be repeatable. He should also do some multi-location trial to assess its stability. He should also try with enough number of replication. It’s a pity that the inventor has never described his design, so we could not evaluate and suggest better analysis. Knowledge of robust design might be necessary for current and future inventor to avoid some misleading conclusion due to the different environment setting between the experiment and the real farm condition.
gimana bisa pemerintah dengan segudang orang pintarnya tidak mengetahui hal itu...
Anonymous, At
6:05 PM
kena rayuan maut... seperti rayuan Blue Energy
bagusco, At
6:07 PM
kata pak mattjik "ga bisa kita cuma sekedar seeing for believing"
trizar.rizqiawan, At
10:17 PM
Super toy bikin kejutan ke 3 buat saya, apalagi buat sby, setelah kasus nutrisi esensial dan banyu geni. Semuanya memiliki kasus sama: kekacauan dsgn xperimen.
Karena semua adalah masalah statistik, saya pikir ini adalah tugas kita sbg statistician (stat ipb) utk meluruskan. Atau, kasarnya, kita, statistician (stat ipb), gagal dalam mengedukasi masyarakat peneliti di Indo.
Menurutku, ini adalah saat yg tepat buat statistician (stat ipb) utk menunjukkan pentingnya statistika (dan statistician) pd masyarakat. Mungkin mas Bagus bisa bikin tulisan opini d media utk memberikan pencerahan, sekaligus bteriak 'Ooiy... jangan remehkan stk!'. Gimana mas? Jangan cuma ngomong d blog aja! *hehe...8x ngomporin*. Sekaligus saya pengen liat gimana caranya menympaikan stk dg bahasa utk awam. Ditunggu opininya d media, mas, mumpung lagi hot issue nih.
-salam dr indonesia-
Anonymous, At
2:34 AM
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bagusco, At
7:53 PM
Farid, it was sent to Kompas, Media Indonesia, and Let's wait for their news.
bagusco, At
7:55 PM
Ini blunder buat SBY lagi, walaupun menurut Pak Mentri Pertanian, sebenarnya varietas ini masih diuji dan masih belum selesai. Masih masuk akal lah karena uji varietas makan waktu yang lama (menurut pengalamanku di Balitpa Sukamandi). SBY & Teamnya terlalu cepat publikasi "heboh" padi ini, baru stl itu nyuruh pak Mentri untuk uji...ini kan lucu!
Mustinya yang masyarakat harus dapat ganti rugi dari PT SHI atau dari Pemerintah.
Anonymous, At
9:52 AM
Oh udah yah... Kasih tau ya mas kalu udah keluar...
Anonymous, At
4:31 PM
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